Is Low-Carb
Eating Expensive?

Is low-carb eating expensive? The short answer is NO, but it can be if you let it!   Why? The main culprits are prepackaged keto products. A lot of people buy these to replace the old carb-filled foods they used to eat, but these products are often very expensive, and the costs can add up… Continue reading Is Low-Carb
Eating Expensive?

Five years of Type 2 and
Obesity reversal, more to come

Five years ago today, I realized I could no longer practice medicine as it existed. At that time, private practice was still the most common type of employment for physicians, but increasingly, hospitals, insurers, pharmacy chains, venture capitalists, and big tech companies were aggressively acquiring medical practices, hospitals, nursing homes, and pharmacies. In 2015, 75%… Continue reading Five years of Type 2 and
Obesity reversal, more to come

The Lying Liar: Learned Helplessness & Food Addiction

learned helplessness NOUN A condition in which a person has a sense of powerlessness, arising from a traumatic event or persistent failure to succeed. It is thought to be one of the underlying causes of depression.[1] What Is Learned Helplessness? Learned helplessness occurs when an animal is repeatedly subjected to an aversive stimulus that it cannot… Continue reading The Lying Liar: Learned Helplessness & Food Addiction

Moderation is a Fairytale

At some point (likely many points) during your low-carb journey, you will encounter a tempting food that is off-plan, and something resembling the following will roll around in your brain:   “You can eat that — just have a few bites!! Go ahead! It’s fine! You’ve been so…good. You deserve a treat. You will get… Continue reading Moderation is a Fairytale

The Importance of Self-Care

It’s no secret that as a society we are all under a ridiculous amount of stress, and our own self-care often suffers serious neglect. What we have seen in our practice, tracking the remote scales of clients and patients who have graduated from our weight loss program, is that if someone is stumbling and their… Continue reading The Importance of Self-Care

Negative Lifestyle Creep

In working with clients and patients on a low carb and ketogenic diet approach, Dr. Tro, Amy, and I talk a lot about carb and fat creep. These are two things we often see as roadblocks to those of us eating a low carb diet — especially if we have been doing it for a… Continue reading Negative Lifestyle Creep

How To Start a Low-Carb ‘Diet’

How do I start low carb? That’s an important question you need to consider if you’ve ever thought about using therapeutic carbohydrate reduction (TCR) to meet your weight loss and metabolic health goals. Unfortunately, starting a low-carb/ketogenic diet can be very confusing, because there is so much conflicting information out there. A simple Google search… Continue reading How To Start a Low-Carb ‘Diet’

Lessons Learned on the Road to Losing 225 Pounds

Keep your total carbs low. Shorten your eating window. Move your body. Get enough sleep and manage your stress. Those are the basics. But the road to leaving obesity behind for good is long and winding, and fraught with potential stumbling blocks.   A few things I’ve learned along the way…   1) Hunger. Understanding… Continue reading Lessons Learned on the Road to Losing 225 Pounds

Navigating Special Events: Holiday Survival Guide

Holidays, vacations and social situations present challenges no matter what phase of the low-carb journey we may be in and are a big reason many abandon their diets. This can create huge problems that are difficult to recover from and set us back for months. One of the greatest tools we use in our approach… Continue reading Navigating Special Events: Holiday Survival Guide

Nuts and Dairy: Fat Creep on Low Carb

Nuts and dairy are very popular foods on a low carb or ketogenic diet — they are nutritious, low in carbs and contain healthy fats and protein. The problem? They are also very energy-dense and hyperpalatable which makes them very easy to overeat. If raw and unsalted, you’re less likely to overconsume them, but when… Continue reading Nuts and Dairy: Fat Creep on Low Carb

My Approach to Exercise…

One of the most pervasive public health messages in the past 30 years has been to eat “less and exercise more.” Unfortunately, this message has been an overwhelming failure. We are often advised to exercise, however, if we are severely overweight this can be quite challenging. I typically advise patients to focus on fixing their… Continue reading My Approach to Exercise…

Is Low-Carb Eating Expensive?

Is low-carb eating expensive? The short answer is NO, but it can be if you let it! Why? The main culprits are prepackaged keto products. A lot of people buy these to replace the old carb-filled foods they used to eat, but these products are often very expensive and the costs can add up if… Continue reading Is Low-Carb Eating Expensive?

Why Are You Eating?

Every time my eating spirals out of control into a case of the “F-its” (also known as “F-it…I’ve screwed up, so I’m gonna eat all the things and start again on Monday”) it is food addiction talking, somehow convincing me that I don’t care. This all-or-nothing thinking tells me: “Go ahead, eat that. It’s no… Continue reading Why Are You Eating?

“Now What?” (Is an Open-Ended Question)

I am an obesity parolee. It is the most apt description Dr. Tro and I have come up with for what it feels like to lose 200 pounds after a lifetime stuck in the matrix of countless failed diets, lost hope and desperation. Somehow, I made it to the other side, but like many people… Continue reading “Now What?” (Is an Open-Ended Question)

Down 100 Pounds for Nearly 12 Years, Health Coach Brian Wiley Reflects on Struggles & Victories

  After countless failed attempts to escape obesity, low-carb diet turns out to be just what the doctor ordered   Over the past year, I’ve had the opportunity to work as a Health Coach in Dr. Tro’s clinic, and after seeing so many people start their journey, I have been reflecting on my own.  … Continue reading Down 100 Pounds for Nearly 12 Years, Health Coach Brian Wiley Reflects on Struggles & Victories

Dr. Tro’s Medical Weight Loss & Direct Primary Care Now Offering CGMs Direct to Patients and Coaching Clients

Dr. Tro’s Medical Weight Loss & Direct Primary Care is pleased to announce it now has continuous glucose monitors available for sale to patients and coaching clients who live in any of the states in which the practice is licensed. The practice recently received a shipment of the Freestyle Libre CGMS, and is looking forward… Continue reading Dr. Tro’s Medical Weight Loss & Direct Primary Care Now Offering CGMs Direct to Patients and Coaching Clients

A Year-in-Review and Update on Dr. Tro’s Medical Practice & Clinical Operations

As I sit here writing this year-end review for our practice, a member of my staff has literally been waiting on the phone for three hours with an insurance company, to provide them with the information needed to get an urgent test approved. The insurance company wanted the notes from the specialist who was co-managing… Continue reading A Year-in-Review and Update on Dr. Tro’s Medical Practice & Clinical Operations

Dr. Tro’s Medical Weight Loss & Direct Primary Care Announces Partnership with Diet Doctor

Dr. Tro’s Medical Weight Loss & Direct Primary Care is proud to announce a partnership with All new patients and clients who enroll with the practice will receive a membership to the website. “DietDoctor is the most comprehensive site for all things keto and low carb. It has been an indispensable resource to me personally,… Continue reading Dr. Tro’s Medical Weight Loss & Direct Primary Care Announces Partnership with Diet Doctor

Keto Mojo GK+ Blood Glucose & Ketone Meters Make Remote Monitoring Easier than Ever

Dr. Tro’s Medical Weight Loss & Direct Primary Care is proud to use the new Keto Mojo GK+ Blood Glucose & Ketone Meter in our office. This state-of-the-art device will interface with the EMR Elation Health system, allowing our staff to seamlessly view patient’s ketone data. The Bluetooth-enabled meter gives patients the option to share… Continue reading Keto Mojo GK+ Blood Glucose & Ketone Meters Make Remote Monitoring Easier than Ever

LowCarbMD Podcast Available for Livestream, Beginning Friday, October 30 at 9:00 am ET

Interview with Marty Kendall Will Be First LCMD Episode Available Live via Zoom The popular Low Carb MD Podcast, hosted by Dr. Tro Kalayjian and Dr. Brian Lenzkes will be recording new episodes LIVE via ZOOM, starting Friday, October 30, at 9:00 a.m. ET. The livestream is available to Patreon subscribers, and will feature a… Continue reading LowCarbMD Podcast Available for Livestream, Beginning Friday, October 30 at 9:00 am ET

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Our clinic's recent study, "TOWARD, a metabolic health intervention, demonstrates robust 1-year weight loss and cost-savings through deprescription," showcases a scalable approach to metabolic health that led to significant weight loss and medication cost savings over a year.